Child Support – What if a Parent Refuses to Pay Child Support?

Child support is a monthly sum ordered by a court to help pay for a child’s basic needs. These can include food, clothing, medical expenses, and shelter. To apply for child support, you must contact your state’s child support agency, gather the required documents, and fill out a state application. Once you’ve completed the application, the Office of Child Support Enforcement will inform you of the next steps.

If your child support obligation has increased, it may be time to make a request to change it. However, before you can request a change in the amount of child support, you must file a request for review. If you do not file a request for review, you will be subject to the current amount of support. It is best to act quickly. A change in the amount of support can take several months to take effect. Fortunately, there are some resources available to help you apply for a modification in your child support obligation. Your skilled family law attorney can help you navigate this complex process.

If you are unable to make your payments, you can appeal to your local child support agency. The agency will monitor your child support order and will take enforcement actions if the noncustodial parent fails to make payments. You can also file a motion for enforcement to seek a judgment for the money you owe. If you fail to meet your child support obligations, the court may find you in contempt of court and impose a fine or even jail time.

When you are seeking child support, be prepared to provide detailed information on your child’s needs. During the hearing, you can present facts to show how much you can afford to provide for your child’s expenses. A basic child support award can be anywhere from $2,000 to $8,000 per month. In some cases, a court may award a higher amount than this based on the income of both parents. A child support award can make a huge difference in the child’s life and happiness.

The noncustodial parent’s name, child/ren’s names, dates of birth, social security numbers, and any documentation that proves paternity can be required. Proof of paternity can include marriage or DNA test results, or other legal documentation. Adding more children to a case can also require a new child support order. Once the child reaches the age of eighteen, child support usually ends.

In some cases, the court can force a parent to pay child support, based on the income of both parents and the number of children. Depending on the circumstances, child support can be collected through garnishing wages, seizing personal property, or putting a lien on real estate. The court can also garnish a delinquent parent’s income tax refunds.

Parents who are in a situation where child support is unaffordable may seek to modify the order. A child support modification petition can be filed in Family Court, with both parents entitled to an attorney. To be considered for a modification, your income must have changed at least 15%. Child support ends when the child turns twenty-one, but support may continue for a disabled child until the age of 26. However, if the child is disabled, child support can be extended to the age of 26 starting in October 2021.

If the other parent is refusing to pay child support, the child support enforcement agency can also assist you. Child support enforcement agencies can help locate the noncustodial parent and establish paternity. The agency also works with the court to enforce child support obligations. These services require full cooperation from the parent. Once you have completed the application, the case will be processed by the Court. It can take a long time to resolve, so it’s important to seek legal advice as soon as possible.

In addition to determining the child support obligation, the child’s age is an important factor. Using the Guideline Schedules for Weekly Support Payments can help you determine the amount of child support you should pay. The amount of your child support obligation should be rounded to the nearest amount. You must also remember to include the number of children that the parents share joint legal responsibility for.